2014年10月27日 星期一

Start building your game now!

ID@Xbox October Update
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Welcome to the October issue of our monthly update!

Game Development News

Start building your game now!

Get started with many development tools that are available to you for now – and many of them are free:
o   Microsoft Developer Network: http:/msdn.microsoft.com/games-development-msdn
o   Unity download: http://unity3d.com/unity/download
o   Unity tutorials: http://unity3d.com/learn
o   GameMaker: Studio download: http://www.yoyogames.com/studio

Kinect News

There’s some exciting news for those who want to explore Kinect development on Windows!
First, you can now buy an adapter ($49.99 USD) so you can use your retail Kinect for Windows development. Second, the Kinect 2.0 DSK is now available to download for free here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=44561. Finally, you can now release Kinect apps in the Windows Store. There are a couple of pretty cool new apps in the Windows store that show off the functionality of Kinect on Windows, including 3D Builder, YAKiT, and Kinect Evolution, so please check them out.

Windows Unity Offer announces the first ID@Xbox nominees

Congratulations to the following developers whose strong Windows/Windows Phone titles earned them a priority review from ID@XBox
The Binary Mill
Obumo Games

If you are interested in participating in this offer, learn more at Microsoft offer for Unity game developers.
